Established in 1983, Austraffic is the industry leader in traffic and transport studies.
We have skilled representatives in every state with the knowledge, equipment and resources to successfully deliver the results you need.
Austraffic has undertaken a vast number of transport surveys across Australia and has a large team of highly skilled survey staff capable of accurately undertaking projects of any size or complexity.
Our experienced staff can help you with the survey design, to ensure the best outcomes are achieved relative to your survey needs.
Our commitment is to deliver cost-effective data of the highest quality, presented in a format that is practical to you.
Whether you need simple hard numbers or further analysis to classify vehicles and log speeds, Austraffic has the expertise and experience to supply and position the sensor equipment that’s right for the job.
Austraffic’s purpose-designed software packages produce extensive menu-driven data reports on all vehicle types with key data at your fingertips. Single page summaries of tabular and graphical data clearly present a comprehensive data
profile that is easy to interpret.