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New South Wales + A.C.T

Satya Manne

Franchise Principal, Austraffic
Unit 52, 2 Railway Parade
Lidcombe, NSW 2141

Project Team

  • Roddy MacEachern
  • Amandeep Bedi

T: 1300 328 276

Western Australia

Russell Jones

Principal, Austraffic Western Australia
Unit 1, 61 Brant Road
Kelmscott WA 6111

M: 0411 339 906
T: (08) 6142 7543

South Australia

Peter Doupé

Principal, Austraffic South Australia
32 Seaview Road, Tennyson
Adelaide, SA 5022

M: 0407 004 162
T: (08) 8353 0592


Martin Jordan-Williams

Principal, Austraffic Queensland

M: 0419 682 296

Brisbane Office:
Unit 8, 71 Beenleigh Road
(Cnr Lensworth St)
Coopers Plains, QLD 4108
T: (07) 3423 8277

Gold Coast Office:
Corporate House
155 Varsity Parade
Varsity Lakes, QLD 4227
T: (07) 5630 6543

ALL Queensland Mail should be directed to:
PO Box 268
Coopers Plains
QLD 4108

Victoria & Tasmania

John Reid

Managing Director, Austraffic
Unit 1, 56 Centre Way
Croydon South, VIC 3136

Project Enquiries & Accounts

  • Nadine Beaney

T: 1300 328 276

Northern Territory, New Zealand & Rest of World

John Reid

Managing Director, Austraffic
Unit 1, 56 Centre Way
Croydon South, VIC 3136

M: (+61) 0417 889 929