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We are relaunching the Austraffic ITE-ANZ World Wide Learning Opportunities Award to send young Traffic and Transport professionals overseas. COVID paused the program for two years but applications are now open.

Joel co-authored a paper "Safe Roads for Cyclists: An Investigation of Australian and Dutch Approaches". Through the ITE Worldwide Learning Opportunity Program, with funding from Austraffic, Joel travelled to New Zealand to present the paper at the the Australasian Transport Research Forum.

Engineers have been seen as having a narrow, nerdish approach, but our profession has been embracing a much wider range of inputs and we are adapting to them.  Data needs to be evaluated with a greater understanding, and if done properly it will identify a whole new realm of ideas and directions.

Tyler O'Hare was a recent recipient of the Austraffic ITEANZ World Wide Learning Opportunities Award and had this to say about his trip to the USA.

Sam Linke graduated in 2010 in civil engineering and the History and Philosophy of Science. She is now the technical leader of transport modelling at the consulting firm Jacobs.... and Austraffic are offering financial support for young members to attend worldwide conferences, meetings or other professional events which would allow them to interact and learn from other professionals. The aim is to contribute to their personal and professional development.

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